Monday, February 6, 2017

Week 15 - No More SNOW (2/6/2017)

Well this week finally has been looking up weather wise which has me happy. No more snow!!! But the rain has fallen and it will fall all this week. But no matter, the work shall continue. So I shall start off with last P-Day. We went to play bowling as an apartment and I took the win with a total score of 207!! Just barely breaking 200!! I got pretty lucky though I'll say so myself. I got three strikes that gave me the game with the rest being spares. Kinda like a Wii Bowling experience. Well after that we rushed back to the apartment and changed into P-Day clothes to go have our District Activity. We had NERF wars to the extreme!! It was so much fun and I even got battle scars. It was so much fun. That night we shopped and got everything we needed and called it a night. On Tuesday we went to go meet with some people and it was quite interesting if I do say so myself. We had an appointment with a family that has met with missionaries before and still wanted to hear from us, but no so much hear from us but tell us what we believe. They sat with us for an hour telling us what we believed and how he Book of Mormon couldn't be true because there is no evidence of its truthfulness. So we sat there just to get the feel of what they had to say and get to know them so we can come in with a lesson that will invite the Spirit and the spirit can do the touching and softening of the heart. After that we wanted to go see an investigator, but she wasn't living there anymore and we met a member instead which was a very great experience thanks to the spirit. So we walked in started talking to them and shared a quick message with them. They had told us that they had a terrible day at work (both of them, husband and wife) and they really needed that spiritual boost. It was quite awesome. We asked if we could do anything for them and they asked us both for a blessing. So we gave them a blessing and the spirit was definitely in that room that we were in. It was fantastic to feel that strong spirit reside there. That was our day leading into Wednesday with Splits! So on Wednesday we went on splits with the Elders Quorum President and one of the Ward Missionaries. It was awesome. We each had set appointments to go and see people but Elder Rust's list of people didn't answer and he ended up seeing a family that was on my list at 7. I was out visiting with a single sister with Hno. Garcia and we finished shared a thought with her and promised that we will find someone to take her to the Branch. We then went to the family we were set to see at 7, but got there a little late and we knocked on the door and we saw Hno. Quezada with Elder Rust sitting and talking at the table. It was funny to see that happen and we shared a thought with them and went on our way. They tried to contact the names they had for earlier but no one answered and we went to go talk with a part member family. The husband wasn't home who is the non-member and so we shared a quick thought with the rest of the family that was there. So we ended the night with that and had some funny laughs to talk about. And also ideas of what to teach these people when we return. And now Thursday. We weekly planned trying to set up to meet people, what we will teach, and just how our week should go.We did that and then tried to go meet with people. Everyone that we came in contact with, told us to come back a different day or they just weren't home. It was sad, but that's the life. We then tried some other people and we finally got one person that was home. So we met with them and talked and shared a spiritual thought with them about being strong in Christ. It was awesome as to how well we can bring the spirit into people's lives. That was our night leading into Friday. Friday came around and we saw NOTHING happen. We had a set appointment but they cancelled and rescheduled so we lost dinner that night. Luckily we dropping off some English Elders while that happened so they asked their dinner if we could join and they said yes. So we got saved!! After that we tried contacting, but people weren't home which was a little sad, but we try as much as we can to see people. Saturday came around when people said that they were home. So we went to see these people and we only had one fall through. Everyone else yet again said to come back. Sad day. Sunday came. Fast and Testimony meeting. I had the opportunity to bare my testimony in Sacrament meeting cause it felt right to share it. Hopefully there was a reason why haha. But then we went on with the day and got dinners signed up for the month! Oh YEAH! Food!! After church we went to meet a family who told us to come back and see them after Church. So we did, but they weren't home so I became persistent and kept coming back until they were home and we caught them. He was having car trouble and so he asked us to come back at 7 so we agreed and came back. In between that time we ate dinner at our place and and then went to see people. We saw a less active family and talked with them and shared a message with them out of Moroni 10:32. It ted up their day cause their daughters just got sick. It really put a smile on their face that we came and saw them. We then tried seeing some more people, but no one was home again. Or wanted to speak with us. So we called it a night and went back to the apartment. We talked and laughed until we had to go to bed and here we are this morning. This week has been great and I'm looking forward to another awesome week here in the field. As for today, I'll be getting my haircut so I look sharp then playing Volleyball as a Zone. This will be quite fun! But till next week, I love you all and I hope all is well with each and everyone of you!!
Elder Ruesch
Boise at night
Battle scar from District activity (NERF wars)

Boise at night again

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