Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Week 69 - Charity Suffereth Long (2/20/2018)

A chair in the middle of nowhere
Snowed pretty heavily
while in an appointment
Snowed pretty heavily
while in an appointment
Twin Falls Temple from the back

Well this has been a long week. And we did suffer a lot of things, but everything we did was out of love. It being the week of love (even though it's really only one day of the week) we did a lot of service. Our days went by in the service of those that we care about. We helped out a companionship move into their new house in their area!! It was pretty cool for them. We also helped paint it. We then helped one of our members move out of his old place into a new apartment complex that is tons better!! He called us later in the week thanking us and that he loves his new place so much more. It was great to hear the excitement in his voice. We then (all of this happened over the week) helped out our ward mission leader tear out the carpet in house and prune some trees. It was pretty fun!! I don't know what I would do if I couldn't serve. But as well we did teach this week and the biggest highlight I would have to say would be helping one of the Recent Converts write a talk for sacrament meeting. It was such a joy helping them as they wrote about our choices and how, what we do now in this life, affects our eternity. It was soo cool. 
The Twin Falls bridge
A lot has happened this week, but I can't seem to remember a whole lot of it. It's a constant battle in trying to see people, keep in touch and teaching. It's a battle, but one we have not quit on yet. This week has flashed right by and I just don't remember a whole lot. Well, I love you all and I hope you have a great week this week!! Remember, I always love you all no matter what!!!

Elder Ruesch Sosa

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